She is a big influence on the creator and advocate behind this
Her article "People First Language"is very
important for self-advocates and their communities.
about Kathie Snow (from her website).
"is the wife of Mark, the mother of Emily and Benjamin,
and a zealous promoter of new ways of thinking about disability.
Her book, "Disability is Natural: Revolutionary Common Sense for Raising
Successful Children with Disabilities 2nd Edition", is the culmination
of 16years of experience as a public speaker, trainer, and consultant
on disability issues..... In addition to her book, Kathie has produced
an enlightening and provocative video, and a line of products
and a variety of articles---new ones are added regularly---to share
the revolutionary common sense that disability is natural! "
Kathie Snow participated in.....
"a leadership development program for adults with
disabilities and parents of children with disabilities. The Partners
in Policy Making training program featured state-of-the-art information
presented by nationally-recognized speakers. In addition, the personal
lifelong experiences of Kathie's classmates, especially the adults
with disabilities, was a valuable component of this life-changing
experience. The Partners training validated Kathie's belief that
her son and others with disabilities could and should enjoy rich, full,
and real lives, and the training provided Kathie and her classmates
with information, skills, and strategies to influence change."
What does Kathie Snow teach....
"Disability is a medical diagnosis which becomes a socio-political
"passport for services"
"Disability is simply one of many characteristics of
being human"
"Disability simply represents a body part that works
"Disability is a consequence of the environment"